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The first thing to decide is what type of hair extensions are best suited for you. This will be determined by your budget, time constraints and whether you're after a permanent or temporary option. Here is a very quick summary of the main types of hair extensions.
Small bundles (20-30 strands) of hair extensions are bonded to equally small pieces of your hair, secured by either glue or 'micro-links'. This results in the most natural looking augmentation, is the longest lasting (up to 6 months) but is the most time consuming (5-8 hr application) and hence the most expensive method. The pressure or heat used to apply secure the hair can also cause hair damage.

Bands/wefts of hair approx 2-4" wide are applied to thin sections of your hair (usually in horizontal rows) by either sewing them into small braids made in your hair, or secured with tape or glue. This is less time consuming (and therefore less $$) than strand-by-stand but is still a fiddly job (1-4hrs). They also require regular replacement, can cause tension headaches for the wearer, and can be damaging to the hair in some instances.

Thin wefts of hair of varying widths (1-4") are clipped into the hair in horizontal rows. These are non-permanent, the least damaging, very affordable, re-usable, and one of the fastest to install (several minutes with practise). They are a great way to change your style instantly (colour, length, and/or thickness) without committing to a long-term change and can be done without any assistance at all!

We hope you found this helpful in deciding which hair extension type is the right one for you!